The mental gymnastics The Guy uses for justification are funny.
The mental gymnastics The Guy uses for justification are funny.
Glad you enjoyed it Grim, Thank you = )
Why was the dead blue a robot playing with a butterfly on the moon when the other were human like?
Otherwise good attention to little details like sighing before killing the clones but then lack of details as the plan was to kill them all, not take one hostage. Should be interesting to see how disobeying a Kill'm All Order, is going to work out for the red leader upon getting home.
You may try saving animation time by re using your existing library, like the run cycle at 09 could have been reused at 4:04 simply by duplicating the old graphic & changing the color.
Hey Grim,
I'll try and answer as many questions without spoilers or making excuses!
The Blue faction utilizes androids as well as drivers (avatar like humans that control soldiers remotely) which can be seen in episode 1. The reason he was playing with the bug was to give the story something to distract him. Maybe he liked the noise the bug made? I just wanted to add something fun.
I totally see what you mean about saving animation time (and I'm already planning more ways to do that in future episodes) but I did actually pull the running animation from the first episode and recolored it to fit the red guy. I also duplicate actions where possible.
As far as why they captured the Driver... I hope you'll be pleasantly in the upcoming episode.
Thanks for watching and thank you for the feedback!
Humans are oppressed so I will speak for them; by help teaching a lesson about their place; a safe space segregated from the predators until I get hungry.
Seriously though, the rabbit ears make it difficult to see the very small cleaver at the top which is also difficult to see when tossed. Maybe pick different background colors to make it stand out more.
Ohyeah, that was definitely a problem that regrettably created itself because I didn't spend much time thinking about how to wrap up the story. I was just like "Oooh, I guess she can... throw an axe?? at a... pipe???? and.. EVERYTHING FREEZES! yeah... ok." Haha. Ugh. It's definitely important to have a clear story before you start working.
This is the cutest thing ever! It so rare to a mother spending time with her child in this day and age. Though I'm she should have face the child towards the fire to make it easier to see what's looking at.
Cheers :). And yeah you're right but mer, kids smart or some shit
I proved my sister wasn't doing her fair share because the rarely used large pot kept showing up on my day, as result mom ended both our allowances. We've been hearing since the 50's that robots would eliminate all jobs yet only the elevator operator job has been eliminated but many new jobs have been created. Minimum income is the first step the slavery & the dream of children, because the government give just enough to get by & takes it way to force you to do a job. I spent year stuck in warehouses temp job, & there's no way I'd of worked there if I did not have too. Unemployed includes children, spouses, elderly. Instead try managing debt, as no one buys their house for cash.
We definitely have been hearing since the 50s that robots will eliminate jobs. But I think it's a mistake to conclude that it's not ever going to happen because it hasn't happened yet.
Maybe in your own life you only see the elevator job getting eliminated, but I see it everywhere. Warehouse jobs like you mentioned being done by machines that organize shelves, self-checkouts, self-driving cars and trucks, accounting software, and even animation. Software has changed things so that one person like me can do the job that would have taken six people 20 years ago. We are much more productive now, but wages have not risen since the 70s.
It is the opinion of many economists, not just "the dream of children," that workers should be entitled to the gains made by rising productivity.
I get the point your trying to make & "what's up" / "photo op" joke;
However, the animation quality is obviously cheaply done.
Also I didn't think we could have titles which that many characters.
Oh damn, you think the "Photo op" was a call back to "Wassup"? That's an ancient reference. No, that's not a reference to "Wassup", that's merely a coincidence but a happy one nonetheless.
You have a point since the animation is all motion tweening of cropped images. The cropping process took about two months of the total work time from when we started in August 7. Honestly though, if I knew back then what I know now about Fireworks, I would've been able to finish everything comfortably by the middle of September, likely with the Easter Eggs fully finished. As of right now we could shit out tons of animations just like this with high quality 4K images at 60FPS.
Also, yes, Newgrounds is becoming more versatile. We can have very lengthy titles now, just like how I can upload a Flash movie at 100 megabytes when a few months ago the max was only 20 megs. I could have simply called it "Soulcrushers!" but I named it this way for search engine optimization purposes as I would & have on Youtube. I see you also have a Ghostbusters parody submitted for Halloween2015. Methinks that's why my score is suddenly lower than before you left this review. You also have about half the views I do. Let me fix that for you:
Published projects should be for finished works, but the dumping grounds is for uploads. On the forums there's a couple of places you can post to get feedback or advice on an unfinished project. There's also a review club, but I haven't can luck with them. I recommend reading through some of the animation forum request for feedback and advice to get some ideas before posting your own question.
Also the heart beat worked in the opening, but not the whole video. The eyes opening and zooming in worked with heartbeat. The white lines on trees at the end didn't work.
Thanks, I'm totally new here and did't know were to start uploading. My attention is to make the heartbeat follow the emotion of the boy but I've not got there yet.
The white lines, did you mean the light from the lamp?
the animation is decent but the plot is lacking & it ends suddenly.
for you information i stop it here because it was long story
and that was my fault
thanks anyway
Not bad for a start.
Thanks dude^^
This well animated. Make more before the trial runs out. Something may be wrong with the play button, or it just took awhile to load, so try a pre loader.
Thanks for your review. I'm on the loading issue and will upload the revised animation as soon as possible.
Joined on 7/25/12